“There’s a whole lotta somethin goin on”
From Table Top Farm – Point Reyes Station, posted by Arron Wilder on 5/08/2012 (32 items)
- Vanessa out playing in the dirt. What’s she doing out there? This photo was taken in …
- The greenhouse in March
- The field in April
- Potatoes in April
- Sage flowers and strawberry starts
- The greenhouse in April
- The field in mid April
- New mugwort patch growing at Black Mountain field
- The cover crop’s croppin up!
- Our new gate salvaged from bits and pieces around the farm
- The soon-to-be up and running farm stand (from the backside)
- Newly plowed field up front in May
- The field in May
- Our "Andean collection" – mache (sp?), yacon and oca
- Strawberries almost ready
- Brand new zucchinii
- Kale ready to be harvested
- There was a lot of root pullin to be done.
- Baby onions. mmmm
- Romaine lettuce planted with cilantro
- Pile of hay
- Pile of compost
- The equipment
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