“Adventures in overabundance”
From Table Top Farm July 2012, posted by Arron Wilder on 7/30/2012 (35 items)
- The farm stand – we got a new scale!
- Peas and cabbage
- italian fennel bulb
- cucumbers and tomatoes
- Farmer Vana hangin tough
- This was how the farm looked in the middle of June, just 1.5 months ago.
- Back in June we transplanted the tomatoes and we already have so many
- fingerling potatoes growin tall
- Strawberries – albion variety – they’re so sweet
- cucumbers
- Cucumbers and chard
- Potatoes – note all the big plants in the background. What are we going to do with a…
- Snapdragons
- Vanessa out pea pickin
- zucchini
- haricot vert french beans plumpin up
- lettuce mix – after 1st cutting
- borage – the honey bees love them
- calendula and zinnias – they attract the cucumber and squash beetles and keep them of…
- purple cabbage and dandelion
- red raspberries still on the vine (they get eaten fast)
- lettuce mix ready to harvest
- scabiosa – pin cushion flower – black knight variety
- common sage in the greenhouse
- basil ready to harvest
- babies in the nursery awaiting watering – red kale, oriole orange chard
- just planted tomatoes and peppers – we’re trying out 12 varieties of tomatoes to see …
- pepper
- marigolds
- stuff
- zinnia
- zinnia
- more zinnias
- a pumpkin growin big! Where did it come from?
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